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Physics & Chemistry Songs   
In the News...   
MnSTA Legislative News   
MnCOSE21 Virtual   
Biology News   
Earth Science News   
Elementary News   
Higher Education News   
Informal Education News   
Physics News   
Private Schools News   
Region 1 & 2 News   
Region 3 News   
Region 4 News   
Region 5 News   
Region 6 & 8 News   
Region 10 News--old   
Region 11 News   
MnSTA's 2013 Conference on Science Education   
Minnesota Dept of Education Science Update   by John Olson, Science Content Specialist, MDE
MnSTA Newsletter   
EdCamp Math Science MN during MEA   by Dana Smith
Come check out the EdCamp for Science and Math teachers at Eden Prairie High School on the Friday of MEA! It's free and one of the best professional development opportunities I've ever attended!
Betsy's Practice Zone   
MnCOSE 2015 News   
Region 9 News   
Announcements   by Mark Lex
Check for new announcements below:
Region 7 News   
Alternative Ed & Charter Schools   
Region 10 News   
Professional Development   
The following articles and resources can help you keep yourself, your students, and your classroom, safer from accidents. NSTA also has many resources on its website at
Job Opportunities   
Chemistry News
Come explore greater Mankato!

THANK YOU for participating in our conference in Mankato!  Our planning team appreciates your participation and excitement about the TEACHING of SCIENCE!

MnSTA WebMaster
MnSTA Region 9 Rep
Conference Co-Chairs