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MnCOSE24 Presentation Proposals


Fri, Nov 1 & Sat, Nov 2

Plus a Halloween welcome reception Thursday evening!

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Join us for MnCOSE24 in St Cloud where we'll be celebrating 60 years of MnSTA!

Submissions Page

MnCOSE24 Call for Presenters

May 14, 2024 - Sep 23, 2024

MnSTA's premier professional development event, MnCOSE, can only occur because of the talented professionals that choose to present their work at our conferences.  Please consider sharing your specialty with your colleagues.  

MnCOSE24 presenters must be MnSTA members or MnCOSE Exhibitors at the time you register for the conference--and we welcome you to join MnSTA if you haven't already!

In exchange for your presentation as a conference participant, we'll provide a SPECIALLY DISCOUNTED conference presenter registration rate for the entire conference of $80 for up to two presenters by sharing a personal discount code for you to use once we approve your presentation in our system.

Each presentation session will be 50 minutes and happen on Friday, Nov 1st or Saturday morning, Nov 2nd.  This is NEW this year - sessions on two days.  Please aim for up to a 45-minute presentation and time for a few minutes of questions.

MnCOSE24 session proposals will be reviewed by our program committee.  Our first deadline is August 16 and our second is September 23.  They will confirm your proposal once they have reviewed submissions.

MnSTA board members will be available to you to be sure you're set to present!  You'll present in person in a conference room setup classroom style at the Atwood Center at St Cloud State University.

We use a conference app called "Whova" that will largely take the place of our traditional conference program.  It will provide a place where you as a presenter can share resources digitally with participants.

We'll ask you to choose from several session identifiers during the proposal process.  Here is further info on the identifiers.


By submitting this proposal, you agree to abide by our MnCOSE Norms for the event and all MnCOSE Presenter Guidelines.

Once your proposal is approved, we will provide you with presenter access to Whova - where you can upload additional information about your session as well as resources to share.  You will be able to edit this information right up until the time of the conference.


Please follow these steps:

1. Look at the session proposal form and plan your presentation. We suggest that your session description for the program include information about the presentation style (lecture, discussion, simulation, sample lesson, etc.) and major activities.
2. Submit your proposal by our initial deadline of August 16.  [We'll run a second round of proposals with a deadline of Sept 23.]
3. We will evaluate your proposal based on its fit with the conference's needs by Sept 1. We will send you a discount code for you to register for the conference if your proposal is accepted.
4. Register for the conference from this page using the discount code
5. You will be able to edit the description before the conference if accepted.  You'll be invited to update your session information and upload any resources you want to provide to participants in the Whova conference app. You will be able to edit this information right up until the time of the conference. (We will send you more information about this process.)


Please contact Eric with specific question or to submit a late proposal.

To make a submission either: register or log in


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