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Virtual Seminars from Advanced Science Exploratory Program

by , posted on 6:07 PM, May 6, 2022
Seminars - Video Games in Brain Science, and Career Forum


Video Games in Brain Science

Led by Dr. Joaquin A. Anguera, PhD - Associate Professor at UCSF

5/11/22,  4-5pm PST

How can video games be used as a scientific research tool to study the brain?How can video games be used as a clinical intervention to strengthen or heal the brain?
Cost: $90 *We prioritize funding to offer at least 5 full-ride scholarships for any seminar - please direct students to email if interested in registering for this seminar, but do not have the financial means to pay tuition*

Career Forum: Panel Q/A with scientists, doctors and therapists

6/1/22,  4-5pm PST

6 successful scientists, doctors and therapists will be dedicating an hour to answering high-school students pressing questions about their careers, including what their day-to-day looks like, key advice, and other exciting topics!

Register here!

Cost: Free!